2024-25 F.E.R.M. OfficersAlissa Herbert, President
Amanda Castilla, Vice President Joy Huppert, Treasurer Heather Valle, Secretary Robbi Auerbach, Membership TBA, Hospitality Alison Gold, Fundraising Heather Valle, Volunteer Coordinator Contact Board: [email protected] Join F.E.R.M. Today
We thank you for your support and look forward to your membership and attendance at our meetings that are open to any/all magnet parents and teachers. Please click on the pdf file below to print your FERM Membership Form today and have your child bring the form and $10.00 payment to the Magnet Office. Check FERM's website: https://www.southplantationmagnet.org. ![]()
Parents Learn Expectations
Students became the program for the January meeting of F.E.R.M. as they shared their current work in Senior Research 4. The projects require "public engagement" where seniors will meet with the community to energize everyone about different programs and projects. Not only was it rehearsal for their community presentations later in the year, but it showed the parents the amount of work and detail necessary to earn the Magnet Medallion and scholarship opportunities. Meetings are Open to All Magnet Parents The goal of the current board is to increase membership while encouraging parental participation in the magnet through chaperoning field trips, attending fund raising events and urging other other parents to be involved. The F.E.R.M. Facebook page is updated often as well. Make sure the magnet office and F.E.R.M. have a current email address for your family.
The organization has set the following goals to continue the success of the program: - Develop and sponsor activities - Offer fundraising opportunities to defray costs - Provide a communication link - Encourage financial support If you have any questions or comments, please contact [email protected] and Check the Facebook page: FANS of the Everglades Restoration Magnet or the FERM website: https://www.southplantationmagnet.org or www.sphsmagnet.com. |